| host | Computer accessed by users which serves as a source of high- |
| speed data processing for workstations with less computer |
| power. See also mainframe. |
host interface | Connection between network and host computer. | |
| id | identifier. Character used to identify or name data and possibly |
| to indicate certain properties of that data. |
image area | Area on a physical page that may contain text or graphics. | |
| input | Data or text introduced into a |
input/output | General term encompassing the flow of data into and out of a | |
| system. |
interpolation | Series of logical rules implemented in the printer to convert a | |
| 300 spi input video stream to a 600 spi output video stream. |
| Interpolation is functionally analogous to bit doubling (2x |
| scaling), except the logical rules result in superior output. |
Interpress | Xerox standard that defines digital representation of lines for | |
| printing. Interpress documents can be printed on any sufficiently |
| powerful printer equipped with Interpress print software. |
Interpress font utility (IFU) program | Program used to convert FIS fonts to LPS fonts. | |
Interpress | master | File written according to the Interpress standard. |
| JDE | job descriptor entry. Collection of job descriptions. See also |
| job; JSL. |
| JDL | job descriptor library. Collection of compiled job descriptions. |
| See also JSL. |
| job | 1. Set of instructions (JDEs) defining a unit of work for the |
| system. 2. In setting a separation boundary through the Bin Full |
| Criteria task, job refers to everything printed as the result of a |
| single start command. See also JDE. |
job concatenation | mode | In HIP, a mode in which multiple print jobs are processed as |
| reports in one print job. See also concatenate. |
job | control | Program called into storage to prepare each job or job step to |
| be run. |
| JSL | job source library. Collection of uncompiled job descriptions. |
| See also job; JDE; and JDL. |
keyword | Required part of a command. See also operator command. |