form | 1. Compiled forms source library (.FSL) file. 2. Printed or typed |
| document with blank spaces for inserting information. Specific |
| arrangement of lines, text, and graphics stored in a computer |
| under an identifying name. Page of data that, when preceded by |
| proper commands, is stored on the system disk as a permanent |
| file. It may be merged with variable data by a form start |
| command. See also FDL; FSL. |
format | 1. Layout of a document, including margins, page length, line |
| spacing, typeface, and so on. 2. In data storage, the way the |
| surface of a disk is organized to store data. 3. To prepare the |
| surface of a disk for acceptance of data. |
FSL | Forms source library. Uncompiled collection of |
| containing FDL commands. Refer to FDL; form. |
graphics | Use of lines and figures to display data, as opposed to using text. |
grid | Imaginary pattern of evenly spaced horizontal and vertical lines |
| on a page. |
grid unit | Smallest rectangle enclosed by horizontal and vertical lines on a |
| grid. The size of a grid unit is expressed as the length of one |
| side of a rectangle. |
hardcopy | Machine output in permanent form, such as printed reports, |
| listings, and so on. Output in a permanent form (usually on |
| paper or paper tape) rather than in temporary form, as on a |
| display. Contains readable printed copy of machine (for |
| example, computer) output. |
hard values | Nonoptimal adjustment of particular FIS fonts in terms of point |
| size and orientation. |
hardware | Physical components, such as mechanical, magnetic, and |
| electronic elements of a system, as opposed to programs, |
| procedures, rules, and associated documentation. Hardware is |
| operated by software and firmware. |
HCF | |
| of input paper trays. |
HCS | |
| of feeder stackers. |
hexadecimal | Numbering system with a base of 16. In this system, 10 through |
| 15 are represented by A through F, respectively. |
hierarchy | Relative priority assigned to arithmetic or logical operations that |
| must be performed. |