2-18 Installing Windows Printer Drivers
11 Make your Replace Driver and Default Printer selections. Click the cell to toggle
between options.
12 Click Browse to open a Browse for Folder dialog and browse to the location of
the printer driver files on the network.
13 Click OK to add the location of the printer driver files to the configuration file.
14 Click Save when you are ready to save the configuration file. A Save As dialog
opens. Choose a different folder than the default folder, otherwise you will
overwrite the default Preconfigured File.
If you are managing configuration files for multiple user groups, see Managing
Configuration Files for Multiple User Groups on page 2-21.
15 Click Save. Your settings are saved to the XeroxPrintersToInstall[Language].xml
file in the folder ...\Packet.
If you have chosen to configure the driver in more than one language, save the
configuration file for each language separately to the same Packet folder.
For more information about XeroxPrintersToInstall[Language].xml, see
Supported Driver Languages on page 2-22.