LS9 Editor Owner’s Manual
This area lists the scenes in the file you opened using the OPEN button (2). The list includes the following items.
To view items that are not currently shown, scroll the list to the right.
This is the scene number.
This is the scene title. You can also double-click this area and edit the title.
This indicates whether protect is on or off for each scene. This area displays a lock icon for protected scenes; these
scenes cannot be overwritten, nor their title edited. Read-only scenes are indicated by “R” displayed in this col-
This column shows the comment assigned to each scene. You can also double-click this column and edit the com-
From the following list, choose the parameters that will be recalled by a Scene Recall. If you select ALL, the other
buttons will be unavailable. Multiple selections are allowed for buttons other than ALL.
(*) Can be selected only if OUT is selected
Indicates the time at which the scene was last stored, in the format of month/day/year/hours/minutes/seconds.
This column is only for display, and cannot be edited.
This switches the Fade function on/off for each scene.
For more about Fade function settings, refer to the FADE TIME page.
ALL All the settings of the scene will be recalled
RACK GEQ and internal effect settings will be recalled
HA Internal head amp and external head amp settings will be recalled
IN PATCH Input patch settings will be recalled
OUT PATCH Output patch settings will be recalled
IN Input channels (INPUT, ST IN, DCA) settings will be recalled except for head
amp settings
OUT Output channel (MIX, MATRIX, STEREO/MONO) settings will be recalled
WITH SEND(*) Send settings to the output channels will be recalled
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