This function can be used to “lock” the specified parameters
so that they can only be changed via the direct panel controls
(i.e. but not via the REGISTRATION MEMORY, O TS, MIDI,
sequence data, etc.). Use the SELECT LCD dials to select a
parameter you want to lock or unlock, then use the MARK LCD
dial to lock (check) or unlock (un-check) the selected param-
MASTER EQ refers to the MASTER EQ type (PRESET1, 2, USER1, 2).
MIC SETTING refers to all MIC-related parameters in the FULL and
See page 171 for a complete list of the parameters included in each


MIDI, the Musical Instrument Digital Interface, is a world-standard communication interface that allows MIDI-
compatible musical instruments and equipment to share musical information and control one another. This makes
it possible to create “systems” of MIDI instruments and equipment that offer far greater versatility and control than
is available with isolated instruments. The PSR-8000 offers a range of MIDI functions that allow it to be used in even
sophisticated MIDI systems.
Always use a high-quality MIDI cable to connect MIDI OUT to MIDI IN terminals. Never use MIDI cables longer than about 15 meters,
since cables longer than this can pick up noise which can cause data errors.
Be sure to set the HOST SELECT switch to MIDI when using the MIDI connectors. The MIDI connectors do not function when the
HOST SELECT switch is in any other position.
No MIDI or TO HOST transmission or reception occurs in the SAMPLING mode.
This function lets you select one of 10 preset MIDI setup templates (5 transmit and 5 receive) or select/program
one of 6 USER templates (3 transmit and 3 receive). The MIDI templates includes settings from the SYSTEM,
TRANSMIT, and RECEIVE function pages, described below.
The PSR-8000 “Functions”
The MIDI Templates
Tx Preset 1 Keyboard Out Transmits Voice Part and Multi Pad data.
Tx Preset 2 ACMP Out Transmits Voice Part and Auto Accompaniment data.
Tx Preset 3 Song Out Transmits Song playback data.
Tx Preset 4 Master Keyboard 1 The PSR-8000 functions as a master keyboard for controlling external tone
generators or other devices.
Tx Preset 5 Master Keyboard 2 The PSR-8000 functions as a master keyboard which does not transmit
aftertouch data.
Rx Preset 1 XG Module The PSR-8000 functions as an XG and GM compatible 16-channel multi-timbre
tone generator.
Rx Preset 2 MIDI Accordion 1 An ideal setup for use with a MIDI accordion.
Rx Preset 3 MIDI Accordion 2 For use with a MIDI accordion, allowing the player to play the bass part.
Rx Preset 4 MIDI Pedal 1 For use with a MIDI pedal system when the PSR-8000 Auto Accompaniment
bass note is to be specified from the MIDI pedal.
Rx Preset 5 MIDI Pedal 2 For use with a MIDI pedal system when the bass part is to be played by the