Supplementary Items
for XGworks 2.0
The XGworks for SW1000XG software that is included in this package has been specially tailored to work with the SW1000XG. For that reason, you will find here an introduction to some functions and some supplementary information not included in the XGworks 2.0 Owner’s Manual that came with your sound card.
nXGworks 2.0 Ouner’s Manual is provided as a PDF file in the supplied
Simultaneous Playback of Multiple Wave Tracks and Playback
Data from multiple wave tracks can be sent to the SW1000XG audio parts (maximum 12 parts) and played back simultaneously with effects applied to each part individually. Also, playback of the wave tracks can be started midway in the song.
nSong files (.xws files) containing wave tracks cannot be fast forwarded using the XGworks Play Control. Even if the mouse button is held down over the FWD button, the song will be forwarded at normal playback speed.
System Setup Dialog
The functions and items below have been added to the System Setup dialog.nThe System Setup dialog is opened by clicking on [Setup] on the menu bar, then selecting [System Setup] from the
The number of Wave Out settings has been increased to six. A maximum of six output devices using wave data can be specified.