For each of the parts 1 to 16 displayed in the Part Unit, select the category of the audio signal to be sent to the sound card. By clicking the up and down scroll buttons, you can select from categories such as Off, Analog, or PCI.
When using the SW1000XG sound card, select Analog or PCI. Analog is used when an audio signal from the external audio input (A/D input) terminal of the SW1000XG sound card is input to the SW1000XG Mixer (→ P. 32). PCI is used when an audio signal from an XGworks WAVE track is input to the SW1000XG Mixer (→ P. 32).
Serial NumberSelect the part number for the category of audio signal that was selected in the Category box. Click the up and down scroll buttons, and select a number from 1 to 128. Make the settings as follows when using the SW1000XG sound card:
When “Analog” is selected for the category, select 1 or 2. This is because a maximum of two external audio input parts can be received by the SW1000XG sound card.
When “PCI” is selected for the category, select it in the range of 1 to 12. This is because XGworks for SW1000XG wave track data can be sent to the SW1000XG sound card’s maximum of 12 audio parts.
After setting up each item, click [OK]. The dialog will close and the settings will take effect. If you want to cancel the operation, click on [Cancel]. The dialog will close, and the settings will return to their original state. If you click [Default], the Category and Serial Number for the parts will return to the default settings.
nUse the default settings whenever possible. When the default settings are selected, Part 1 will be 1 of Analog, Part 2 will be 2 of Analog, Part 3 will be 1 of PCI, Part 4 will be 2 of PCI, continuing until Part 14 is part 12 of PCI. (Part 15 and 16 will be OFF.)
nIf settings besides the default ones are made, it will no longer be possible to correctly control volume and stereo balance for the parts with the Windows standard mixer (the “Volume Control” activated by double- clicking on the speaker icon on the task bar).
nFor any category, settings besides “Analog” and “PCI” can be selected. However, since these selections were added for the sake of keeping capability with future devices that have many types of audio parts, there is no ordinary need to select them.
For details about the Part Unit, see page 176 of the XGworks V2.0 Owner’s Manual.