Adjusting the carburetor
The carburetor is a vital part of the engine and requires very sophisticated adjustment. Most adjusting should be left to a Yamaha dealer who has the professional knowledge and experience to perform it. However, the operator may adjust the trolling speed as part of the usual maintenance routine.
The carburetor was set at the Yamaha factory after many tests. If the settings are disturbed by someone who does not have the necessary technical knowledge, poor engine performance and damage may result.
Adjusting the trolling speed
1.Put the watercraft in the water.
2.Start the engine and warm it up for 1 or 2 minutes. Using a diagnostic tachome- ter or, if necessary, the tachometer in the multifunction meter, adjust the engine speed to specification.
3.Turn the throttle stop screw 1 clockwise to increase engine speed if necessary. Turn it counterclockwise to decrease engine speed if necessary.
Trolling speed: