To reduce the risk of fire or explosion: Never pour or spray gasoline, or any substance other than a rust inhibitor through the hole in the carburetor silencer cover.
●Make sure to replace the cap securely after fogging the engine, otherwise water could enter the engine and cause damage.
●Do not attempt to run the engine at full throttle or for more than 15 seconds while the watercraft is out of the water, otherwise the engine may overheat and/or seize.
1.Open the silencer cap 1 on the silencer.
2.Start the engine with the watercraft in a
3.With the engine running at a fast idle, quickly spray as much rust inhibitor as possible through the hole in the silencer cover. Use Yamaha
4.Install the cap securely.
5.Lubricate all cables such as the throttle, choke, and steering cables.
Use a Yamaha Power Cable Luber and Yamaha
6.Lubricate the areas of the watercraft specified under Lubrication points on page