6.The buzzer will sound twice. The warn- ing light and “SET” blink for 2 seconds. Then the display turns to “CLOCK” and shows the time.
If the battery terminal is disconnected, the clock will be reset to 12:00.
Hour meter
The hour meter is provided to make it easy to follow the maintenance schedule.
The meter shows how many hours of engine operation have elapsed since the watercraft was new.
To show the hour meter, press the “MODE” button until the display shows “HOUR.M” while the engine is running.
Trip timer
The trip timer is provided for counting the time traveled on a given trip.
To show the trip timer, press the “MODE” button until the display shows “TRIP.T” while the engine is running.
1.When the display shows “TRIP.T,” press the “A/SET” button to start counting. The buzzer will sound once.
2.Press the “A/SET” button again to stop counting. The buzzer will sound once.
3. Press “MODE” button for at least
2 seconds to set the time back to 00:00. The buzzer will sound twice. The time display and “TRIP.T” blink for 2 seconds. Now it is ready to start counting.