ZPL II Commands for RFID
11/14/2008 RFID Programming Guide 58978L-008 Rev. A

Read RFID Tag

Description Use this command to tell the printer to read the current RFID tag data. The data
can be returned to the host via the ^HV command.
Format ^RT#,b,n,f,r,m,s
This table identifies the parameters for this format.
Note • The ^RT command is provided only for backward-compatibility with label formats
that were developed for older Zebra RFID printers. Use ^RF onpage 96 instead whenever
possible. See Printer and Firmware Compatibility onpage 82 for the list of printers and
firmware with which you can use this command.
Parameters Details
#= number to be
assigned to the field Accepted values: 0 to 9999
Default value: 0
b= starting block
number Accepted values: 0 to n, where n is the maximum number of
blocks for the tag.
Default value: 0
n= number of
blocks/bytes to read For R4Mplus printers with firmware version SP994X
(European version):
This parameter applies only when the starting block number
(parameter b) is 1.
Accepted values: 1 to n, where n is the maximum number of
bytes for the tag. For UCODE EPC 1.19, n is 32.
Default value: 1
For all other supported printers:
Accepted values: 1 to n, where n is the maximum number of
blocks for the tag type minus the starting block number. For
example, if the tag has 8 blocks (starting with block0) and
you start with block 6, n can be 2. This would return block 6
and block 7 information.
Default value: 1
f=format Accepted values:
1 = Hexadecimal
Default value: 0
r= number of retries Changes the number of times that the printer attempts to read
a particular block of a single RFID tag. (Same retry rules as
the ^RR command.)
Accepted values: 0 to 10
Default value: 0