SGD Commands for RFID
11/14/2008 RFID Programming Guide 58978L-008 Rev. A
rfid.position.programDescription This command gets the read/write position of the transponder or sets the
read/write position in vertical (Yaxis) dot rows from the top of the label. Set to 0 (no
movement) if the transponder is already in the effective area without moving the media.
Type getvar; setvar
This table identifies the command for this format:
Important • If a label format specifies a value for this parameter, this value will be used for
the programming position for all labels until a new position is specified or until the printer is
turned off (O) and then back on (I).
Commands Details
getvar This command instructs the printer to respond with the current
programming position.
Format: ! U1 getvar "rfid.position.program"
setvar This command instructs the printer to set the programming position.
Format: ! U1 setvar "rfid.position.program" "value"
Valu es :
0 to label length
Default value:
For the R110PAX4 and R2844-Z: 0
For all other supported printers: label length minus 1mm (1/16 in.)
Default: 1
Example • This setvar example shows the programming position being set at 15 dot rows
from the top of the label.
! U1 setvar "rfid.position.program" "15"
When the setvar value is set to "15", the getvar result is "15".