SGD Commands for RFID
11/14/2008 RFID Programming Guide 58978L-008 Rev. A
Description This command sets the RFID programming position through a tag calibration,
or it restores the programming position back to the printer default. Before running this
command, load the printer with RFID media, and close the printhead. For more information
about this option, see Calibrate RFID Tag onpage 23.
Type setvar
This table identifies the command for this format:
Commands Details
setvar This command instructs the printer to set the programming position.
Format: ! U1 setvar "rfid.tag.calibrate" "value"
Valu es:
Example • This setvar example performs a quick RFID test.

! U1 setvar "rfid.tag.calibrate" "restore"

Example • This setvar example performs a slow RFID test.

! U1 setvar "rfid.tag.calibrate" "run"