ZPL II Commands for RFID
58978L-008 Rev. A RFID Programming Guide 11/14/2008

Host Verification

Description Use this command to return data from specified fields, along with an optional
ASCII header, to the host computer. You can use this command with any field that has been
assigned a number with the ^RT command or the ^FN and ^RF commands.
Format ^HV#,n,h,t,a
This table identifies the parameters for this format:
Parameters Details
#= field number
specified with
another command
The value assigned to this parameter should be the same as
the one used in another command.
Accepted Values: 0 to 9999
Default Value: 0
n= number of bytes to be
returned Accepted Values: 1 to 256
Default Value: 64
h= header to be returned
with the data Delimiter characters terminate the string. This field is Field
Hex (^FH) capable.
Accepted Values: 0 to 3072 bytes
Default Value: no header
t = termination This field is Field Hex (^FH) capable.
Accepted Values: 0 to 3072 characters
a = command applies to When ^PQ is greater than 1, send one response for a label
format or one for every label printed.
Accepted Values:
L= Label
Default Value: F
Example • The following code:
Would return data such as this: