Due to copyright restrictions, you may not be able to view some high definition programs in high definition format using this product. If HD viewing is prohibited due to copyright restric- tions, you would need to connect SD interfaces to view the program.
With this receiver “Zenith DTV1080” and the proper satellite dish antenna, you may be able to subscribe to local channels from DIRECTV in certain areas. Additional equipment may be required in some markets. Check with your retailer or visit DIRECTV.com for information on availability of local channels from DIRECTV in your area.
Programming subject to change must be physically located in the U.S to receive DIRECTV ser- vice. DIRECTV services not available outside the U.S DIRECTV programming is sold separate- ly and independently of DIRECTV System hardware. A valid programming subscription is required to operate DIRECTV System hardware. Activate your DIRECTV programming today at
DIRECTV, the Cyclone Design logo and Advanced Program Guide are trademarks of DIRECTV, Inc., a unit of Hughes Electronics Corp., and are used with permission.