The address of an alternate DNS server to use


in case DNS Servers #1 and #2 are down or


very slow

Clone MAC

(Usually optional) Enter the MAC address of a


device in the LAN network if you want to use


that address for Internet access instead of the


AP+4’s MAC address.

Enable uPNP

Select this check box to enable Universal Plug


and Play, which lets devices connect


automatically to one another over the LAN,

Enable Ping

Select this check box to allow someone to ping

Access on WAN

the AP+4 over the Internet . This is useful for


troubleshooting – it can allow a technician to


remotely ping the AP+4 to see if it is working.


In normal use, this option should be disabled


for security reasons.

Enable Web

Select this check box to allow someone to

Server Access on

remotely access the AP+4’s built-in HTTP


server. Web server access is useful for


troubleshooting – it can allow a technician to


remotely check the AP+4 configuration


settings. In normal use, this option should be


disabled for security reasons.

Enable IPsec

(PPTP/VPN only) Select this check box to let

passthrough on

network devices communicate via a Virtual

VPN connection

Private Network (VPN) using Internet Protocol


security (IPsec), in which sending and


receiving devices share a public key for


encryption and decryption. The AP+4 simply


passes the encrypted packets back and forth


between the VPN clients and the ISP’s VPN



Enable PPTP

(PPTP/VPN only) Select this check box to

passthrough on

protect VPN communication via Point-to-Point

VPN connection

Tunneling Protocol. The AP+4 passes the


encrypted packets back and forth between the


VPN clients and the ISP’s VPN server.

Enable L2TP

(PPTP/VPN only) Select this check box to

passthrough on

protect VPN communication via Layer 2

VPN connection

Tunneling Protocol, an enhancement of PPTP


and L2F protocols. The AP+4 passes the


encrypted packets back and forth between the


VPN clients and the ISP’s VPN server.

Set TTL (Time to

Enter the number of hops a packet can make

Live timer) Value

before it is discarded.

Chapter 5. TCP/IP Settings