Chapter 11 - AT Command Set Summaries


Extended AT& Command Set
Command Options Function & Description Ref.
&Bn Data rate, terminal-to-modem. (DTE/DCE) S28.6
&B0 DTE rate follows connection rate. (See also S44.6)
&B1 * DTE/DCE rate fixed at DTE setting (See also S18, S20,
and S44.6)
&Cn Carrier Detect (CD) options S21.4
&C0 CD always ON (See also S42.7)
&C1 * CD tracks presence of carrier (See also S38.3, S42.7)
&Dn Data Terminal Ready (DTR) options. (See also S25) S21.6-7
&D0 Ignore DTR signal, assume DTR is always ON.
&D1 108.1, DTR OFF-ON transition causes dial of the default
number. (See also 'AT*Dn' and S48.4)
&D2 * 108.2, Data Terminal Ready, DTR OFF causes the
modem to hang up.
&D3 Same as &D2 but DTR OFF causes the modem to hang
up and reset from profile 0.
&F Load factory settings to RAM as active configuration.
&Gn Guard tone options S28.4-5
&G0 * No guard tone (within USA, Canada).
&G2 1800 Hz guard tone.
&Hn Data flow control, DTE/DCE. S27.3-5
&H0 Flow control disabled.
&H3 * Hardware (CTS/RTS) flow control
&H4 Software (XON/XOFF) flow control.
&Jn Type of Phone line S28.0
&J0 Single phone line, RJ11
&J1 Multiple phone/modem line, RJ12/RJ13
&Kn Modem error control and data compression. S27.0-2
&K0 No error control.(Same as AT&K)
&K1 MNP4 (See also S41.0).
&K2 MNP4+MNP5 (See also S38.5, S41.0).
&K3 V.42+MNP4.
&K4 * V.42+V.42bis, compatible with &K2 (See also S38.5).
&Ln &L0 * Dial-up line S14.2-3
&L1 2W leased line
&L2 4W leased line, if available
&Mn Synchrono u s /asynchron o u s mode selec t i on S14.6-7
&M0 * Asynchronous mode with data buffering
&M1 Asynchronous command, synchronous data
&M2 Direct asynchronous mode, no data buffering
&M3 Synchronous mode
&Nn Modem link mode options (DCE/DCE). (See also
S43.7, S48.1) S19