Chapter 9 - Fax Operation
Command Function
#B3 Displays the ring cadence.
Parameter Setting
Command Function
#V0 Set to normal vertical resolution.
#V1 Set to high vertical resolution.
#T0 Set to one dimensional coding scheme.
#T1 Set to two dimensional coding scheme.
#R0 Set recording width: 1728 picture elements along a scan line
length of 215 mm.
#R1 Set recording width: 2048 picture elements along a scan line
length of 255 mm.
#R2 Set recording width: 2432 picture elements along a scan line
length of 303 mm.
#L0 Set maximum recording length: A4 (297 mm ).
#L1 Set maximum recording length: B4 ( 364 mm ).
#L2 Set maximum recording length: unlimited.
#C0 Set minimum scan line time capability the receiver: 20 ms at
3.85 line/mm, T(7.7)=T(3.85).
#C1 Set minimum scan line time capability the receiver: 5 ms at 3.85
line/mm, T(7.7)=T(3.85).
#C2 Set minimum scan line time capability the receiver: 10 ms at
3.85 line/mm, T(7.7)=T(3.85).
#C3 Set minimum scan line time capability the receiver: 20 ms at
3.85 line/mm, T(7.7)=1/2 T(3.85).
#C4 Set minimum scan line time capability the receiver: 40 ms at
3.85 line/mm, T(7.7)=T(3.85).
#C5 Set minimum scan line time capability the receiver: 40 ms at
3.85 line/mm, T(7.7)=1/2 T(3.85).
#C6 Set minimum scan line time capability the receiver: 10 ms at
3.85 line/mm, T(7.7)=1/2 T(3.85).
#C7 Set minimum scan line time capability the receiver: 0 ms at 3.85
line/mm, T(7.7)=T(3.85).
#P<string> Set local phone number the phone number following the
character 'P' can up to 25 characters. The modem will exchange
this phone number with the remote fax machine during initial