Chapter 12 - Status Registers & Result Codes
12-2Command bit dec hex Function and description Ref.
8 8 4-wire leased line - if available &L2
5,4 0 0 Internal clock (Default) &X0
16 10 External clock &X1
32 20 Remote clock &X2
7,6 0 0 Asynchronous data with buffering (Default) &M0
64 40 Asynchronous command, synchronous data &M1
128 80 Direct asynchronous, no data buffering &M2
192 C0 Synchronous &M3
S15= bit dec hex Bit-mapped register +130
0,1 0 0 Even parity
1 1 Odd parity
2 2 * No parity
2 0 0 * 1 stop bit
4 4 2 stop bits
4,3 0 0 * 10 bit character length *C0
8 8 11 bit character length * C1
16 10 9 bit character length *C2
24 18 8 bit character length *C3
7-5 0 0 Profile 0 as active settings after power on Z0
32 20 Profile 1 as active settings after power on Z1
64 40 Profile 2 as active settings after power on Z2
96 60 Profile 3 as active settings after power on Z3
128 80 * Factory default as active settings after power
on Z4
S16= dec hex Test status register +000
0 0 No test in progress &T0
1 1 Loop-back test in progress &T1
3 3 Local Digital Loop-back test in process &T3
6 6 Remote Digital Loop-back test in process &T6
7 7 Remote Digital Loop-back with self-test in
process &T7
8 8 Analog Loop-back with self test in progress &T8
S17= bit dec hex Bit-mapped register +018
4-1 0-30 0-1E Set leased line transmit power level from 0 to -
15 dBm. (See also S35b3) (Default *P9) *Pn
5 0 0 Normal dial (Default) D
32 20 Reverse dial, go on-line in answer mode. DR
7,6 0 0 AT Commands set (Default) *I0
64 40 V.25bis command set *I1
128 80 Dumb mode (no command accepted) *I2
S18= dec hex Force modem or TA to fix baud rate when idle+000
0 * 0 Disable fixed baud function
n+1 Enable baud rate fixing at idle, n=0-15 baud
rate value settings (n) the same as S20 value
S19= dec hex Modem connection mode, same +000/&
0-73 0-49 setting value as 'AT&Nn' command