Chapter 2 - Installation
3. Select the following communication settings:
Setting Value
Baud rate 57,600bps
Data bits 8
Parity None
Stop bits 1
Flow control Hardware
Initialization string AT&F
Port COMn*
Note: When specifying a port as signment, the ‘n’ indicates the
computer serial port to which your modem is attached. For
example, if your modem is connected to serial port 2, you would
select COM2.
4. Place your communications software in terminal or direct connect mode
(your communications software manual will explain how).
5. Look at the modem’s front panel and verify the DTR LED is ON. If this LED
is OFF, your communications software is not addressing your modem at the
correct COM port. Make sure your software is set up for the same COM port
to which your modem is connected.
6. Type AT and press the Enter key. You should see the AT characters you
typed, followed by an OK result code. If you do not see an OK result code,
turn the modem off and on, then repeat this step. If you still cannot see the
characters, refer to Chapter 13 for troubleshooting suggestions.
7. Type ATDT number and press Enter, where number is your modem’s
telephone number. You should see a BUSY result code. If you do not see a
BUSY result code, refer to Chapter 13 for troubleshooting suggestions.
If you are not able to successfully complete this test and have already followed
the appropriate troubleshooting procedures Chapter 13, please call ZyXEL Tech
Support at 714-693-0808.