Chapter 10 - Voice Mode Operation
8 Voice Mode (TIA IS-101)
The DCE returns the OK result code if the DCE accepts the command. The DCE
returns the ERROR result code if the <mode> subparameter is not permitted.
The DCE returns the current mode setting followed by the OK result code.
 AT+FCLASS=?
The DCE returns permitted modes. The response is (with S57.4=1):
 AT+VLH=?
This enables the DTE to inquire the hook status of the connected local phone. The
DCE will return 0 for on-hook and 1 for off-hook status.
 AT+VNH=<hook>
The DCE enables or disables automatic hang-up to a varying degree for data and
fax modes.
<hook> Hook Control Description
0 The DCE retains automatic hang-ups as is normal in the other mode
such as hanging up the phone when the DCE does not detect a data
carrier within a given time interval). (Default)
1 The DCE disables automatic hang-ups usually found in the other
Non-Voice Mode.
2 The DCE disables automatic hang-ups in the other Non-Voice
Mode. The DCE only performs a "logical" hang-up (returns the OK
result code).
 AT+VNH?
The DCE returns the current hang-up setting, followed by the OK result code.
 AT+VNH=?
The DCE returns permitted hang-up modes. The response is :
��� AT+FLO=<method>
The DCE selects the type of flow control provided and used.
<method> Flow Control Method