Chapter 11 - AT Command Set Summaries
Command Options Function & Description Ref.
a=0-3 Local user profile number “a” S37.4-7
b=0-3 Remote user profile number “b” S37.0-3
b=4 Remote active configuration
b=5 Remote factory default configuration
*T Recall the last CND (Caller ID) information. S40.2
*V View the Password table
*Wab Write local configuration profile “a” to remote user profile
“b” and reset remote modem from profile “b” S36.1
a=0-3 Local user profile number “a” S37.4-7
a=4 Local active configuration
a=5 Local factory default configuration
b=0-3 Remote user profile number “b” S37.0-3
The AT+F commands are located in the chapter on Fax Operation.
The AT+V commands are located in the chapter on Voice Mode Operation.