Chapter 12 - Status Registers & Result Codes
ATV0 ATV1 X0 X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7
34 CONNECT 41600 % % % % @
36 CONNECT 24960 % % % % @
37 CONNECT 20800 % % % % @
39 CONNECT 28800 % % % % @ $ #
40 CONNECT 26400 % % % % @ $ #
41 CONNECT 24000 % % % % @ $ #
42 CONNECT 21600 % % % % @ $ #
* Use S42.6 to disable 'RINGING' result code
** When more than one type of Distinctive Ring is turned on (S40b3-6) ‘RING
n’ will be reported, n=Ring Type # (1-4)
Result Code Chart Symbol Reference:
V Supported
% Reports the DTE Speed as: <cr><lf>CONNECT DTE_Speed<cr><lf>
@CONNECT DTE_Speed/Protocol DCE_Speed/Error_Control †
Example: CONNECT 38400/V.32bis 14400/V.42bis
$ <cr><lf>CONNECT DCE_Speed[/Error_Code]<cr><lf>
Example: CONNECT 14400/ARQ
#CONNECT DCE _Speed/Error_Code/Error_Control †
Example: CONNECT 14400/ARQ/ MNP5
† Data compression included. 'SREJ' is appended if a V.42 connection with selective
reject is established.
Result Code Field DescriptionsField Name Possible Values
Error_Code NONE, ARQ
Error_Control LAPM, V42
(This field will not show if no error control is negotiated)
Data_Compression V42b
DCE_Speed All possible DCE speeds supported
DTE_Speed All possible DTE speeds supported
Connect Strings for Error Corrected ConnectionsTo enable the following numerical (ATV0) and verbose (ATV1) result codes when an
error corrected connection is made, set S35 bit 7 to 1.(ATS35.7=1)
Numerical V0 Verbose V1 Numerical V0 Verbose V1
51 CONNECT 1200 58 CONNECT 16800
52 CONNECT 2400 59 CONNECT 19200
53 CONNECT 4800 60 CONNECT 21600
54 CONNECT 7200 61 CONNECT 24000
55 CONNECT 9600 62 CONNECT 26400
56 CONNECT 12000 63 CONNECT 28800