Chapter 9 - Fax Operation
Command Value Description
tq=1 DCE Transmit Copy Quality Checking
tq=2 DCE Transmit Copy Quality Correction
+FCR=n"Capability to receive" parameter
n=0 DCE will not receive message or poll a
remote device.
n=1 DCE receives message data or polls a remote
+FCT=n0-255 DTE phase C time-out parameter. n=0-255, 1
+FDR Receive phase C data command initiates
document reception
+FDT Transmit phase C data command: releases the
DCE to proceed with negotiation
+FEA=nPhase C received EOL alignment parameter
n=0 Determine that T.4 EOL patterns are bit aligned
(as received).
n=1 Determine that the last received bits of T.4
EOL patterns are byte aligned by the DCE, with
necessary zero fill bits inserted.
+FIE=nProcedure interrupt parameter
n=0 Procedure interrupt requests from the remote
station are ignored, and not reported to the
n=1 Procedure interrupt requests from the remote
station are accepted, negotiated and reported
using the +FVO response.
+FIP Initialize facsimile parameters to factory
df,ec,bf,st Current session parameter. refer to + F DCC Clas s
2 command in previous section param et er settin g s.
+FKS Session termination command.
+FLI="string" Local ID string parameter.
+FLO=nFlow control options:
n=0 No flow control.
n=1 Set XON/XOFF software flow control.
n=2 Set CTS/RTS hardware flow control.
+FLP=nDocument for polling command:
n=0 The DTE has no document for polling.
n=1 Indicated document available for polling.