Chapter 11 - AT Command Set Summaries
11-2Command Options Function & Description Ref.
M2 Speaker always ON
M3 Speaker ON after the last digit is dialed out and OFF
when carrier is detected
5 * Ring volume control.'N0' will disable the audio ring
function S24.1-3
O Return to on-line state
O1 Force modem to request a retrain
QnResult code displayed S23.7
Q0 * Modem returns result code
Q1 Modem does not return result code
Q2 Modem returns result code but quiet after answering on a
RING (see also S42.2) S40.1
Sr.b=nSet bit 'b' of S-register 'r' to value 'n'. 'n' is a binary digit
'0' or '1'
Sr.b? Display value of bit 'b' of S-register 'r'
Sr=nSet S-register 'r' to value 'n'. 'n' must be a decimal
number between 0 and 255
Sr? Display value stored in S-register 'r'
T Ton dial S23.1
UPX Download firmware to the Flash EPROM usin Xmodem
VnSets display type for Result Codes S23.6
V0 Display result code in numeric form. (See also S35.7 and
the result code table of 'ATXn')
V1 * Display result code in verbose form.
5 * Result code options, see the Options Table S23.3-5
Znn=0-4 Reset modem and set power-on profile. S15.5-7
Zn Reset modem and load user profile n (0-3).
Z4 Reset modem and load factory settings.
$ Basic command summary help