Chapter 11 - AT Command Set Summaries
Chapter 11 - AT Command Set SummariesBasic AT Command Set
Command Options Function & Description Ref.
A/ Re-execute the last command once
A> Re-execute the last command once or repeat the last call
up to 9 times. (See also S8)
<any key> Terminate current connection attempt when enter in
handshaking state.
+++ Escape sequence code, entered in data state, wait for
modem to return to command state.
All the Following Commands Require a βATβ Prefix
A Go on-line in answer mode. (See also S39.2, S43.6)
Bn Handshake option S28.7
B0 * Select CCITT V.22 for 1200 bps
B1 Select Bell 212A for 1200 bps communication
DsDial s (numbers and options) that follow (see also S38.0,
S35.4). The options of s are listed as follows:
0-9, #, * Digits for dialing
P Pulse dialing S23.1
T Ton dialing S23.1
, Pause for a time specified in S6. Remaining digits will be
dialed as in-band DTMF.
; Return to command state after dialing
! Hook flash
@ Wait for a 5 second silence before proceeding
R Reverse handshake (go on-line in Answer mode) S17.5
W Wait for second dial tone. Remaining digits will be dialed
as in-band DTMF
DL Repeat last ATD command
DSnn=0-49 Dial number stored in non-volatile RAM at location 'n';
use β+β to dial two consecutive numbers for bundling or
MPPP calls
EnCommand mode local echo of keyboard commands S23.0
E0 Echo off
E1 * Echo on
HnOn/off hook control
H0 * Hang up (on-hook) the modem or ISDN, same as 'ATH'
InDisplay inquired information
I0 Display numerical product code, same as 'ATI'
I1 Display product information and ROM checksum
I2 Display modem link status report
4 * Speaker volume control. The higher the value, the higher
the volume S24.5-7
MnSpeaker control S21.1-2
M0 Speaker always OFF
M1 * Speaker ON until call is answered