omni.net LCD series Quick Start Guide
Set up Remote Access (or PPP)
Step 1. Choose Control Panels from Apple Menu and then open the Remote Access(or PPP) control panel. You should see the Remote Access window shown below:
Click here.
Click on the appropriate button.
Type in your
Type in your
Type in your
Click here.
Step 2. Click Setup to show this panel’s screen.
Step 3. Click Guest or Registered User.
Step 4. Enter your PPP user Name and Password in the required fields.
Step 5. Enter your ISP's telephone number in the Number field.
Step 6. Click Connect. This will start to dial up and make an OT/PPP connection.
Step 7. Congratulations, you have successfully set up OT/PPP for MacOS. Be sure to visit www.zyxel.com to test your connection and find out more about ZyXEL’s exciting products.