Chapter 22 IDP Commands Creating an Anomaly Profile Example

In this example we create a profile named “test”, configure some settings, display them, and then return to global command mode.

Router# configure terminal Router(config)# idp anomaly test

Router(config-idp-anomaly-profile-test)# tcp-decoder oversize-offset action drop Router(config-idp-anomaly-profile-test)# tcp-decoder oversize-offset log alert Router(config-idp-anomaly-profile-test)# tcp-decoder oversize-offset activate Router(config-idp-anomaly-profile-test)# no tcp-decoder oversize-offset activate Router(config-idp-anomaly-profile-test)# exit

Router(config)# show idp anomaly test tcp-decoder oversize-offset details message: (tcp_decoder) OVERSIZE-OFFSET ATTACK

keyword: tcp-decoder oversize-offset

activate: no

action: drop

log: log alert Router(config)#

22.3.5 Editing System Protect

Use these commands to edit the system protect profiles.

Table 104 Editing System Protect Profiles



idp system-protect

Configure the system protect profile. Enters sub-command mode.


All the following commands relate to the new profile. Use exit to


quit sub-command mode.

[no] signature sid activate

Activates or deactivates an IDP signature.

signature sid log [alert]

Sets log or alert options for an IDP signature

no signature sid log

Deactivates log options for an IDP signature

signature sid action {drop reject-

Sets an action for an IDP signature

sender reject-receiver reject-both}


no signature SID action

Deactivates an action for an IDP signature.

show idp system-protect all details

Displays the system protect profile details.

22.3.6 Signature Search

Use this command to search for signatures in the named profile.



ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide