Chapter 39 File Manager
The firmware update can take up to five minutes. Do not turn off or reset the ZyWALL while the firmware update is in progress! If you lose power during the firmware upload, you may need to refer to Section 39.8 on page 307 to recover the firmware.
39.6.2 Command Line FTP Configuration File Upload Example
The following example transfers a configuration file named tomorrow.conf from the computer and saves it on the ZyWALL as next.conf.
Note: Uploading a custom signature file named "custom.rules”, overwrites all custom signatures on the ZyWALL.
Figure 28 FTP Configuration File Upload Example
C:\>ftp Connected to
220 FTP Server (ZyWALL) [] User ( admin 331 Password required for admin. Password:
230 User admin logged in. ftp> cd conf
250 CWD command successful ftp> bin
200 Type set to I
ftp> put tomorrow.conf next.conf 200 PORT command successful
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for next.conf
226 Transfer complete.
ftp: 20231 bytes sent in 0.00Seconds 20231000.00Kbytes/sec.
39.6.3 Command Line FTP File Download
1Connect to the ZyWALL.
2Enter “bin” to set the transfer mode to binary.
3Use “cd” to change to the directory that contains the files you want to download.
4Use “dir” or “ls” if you need to display a list of the files in the directory.
5Use "get” to download files. For example:
“get vpn_setup.zysh vpn.zysh” transfers the vpn_setup.zysh configuration file on the ZyWALL to your computer and renames it “vpn.zysh.”
1.When you upload a custom signature, the ZyWALL appends it to the existing custom signatures stored in the "custom.rules” file.
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ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide | |