Chapter 6 Interfaces

6.7 Tunnel Interface Specific Commands

The ZyWALL uses tunnel interfaces in Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE), IPv6 in IPv4, and 6to4 tunnels. This section covers commands specific to tunnel interfaces. Tunnel interfaces also use many of the general interface commands discussed at the beginning of Section 6.2 on page 57.

Use these commands to add, edit, activate, deactivate, or delete tunnel interfaces. You must use the configure terminal command to enter the configuration mode before you can use these commands. GRE mode tunnels support ping check. See Section 6.2.6 on page 70 for more on ping check.

Table 29 Tunnel Interface Commands



[no] interface tunnel_iface

Creates the specified interface if necessary and enters sub-command


mode. The no command deletes the specified interface.


tunnel_iface: Name of tunnel interface. tunnel([0-3]).



[no] shutdown

Deactivates the specified interface. The no command activates it.

tunnel source

Configures the outer source IP address of the tunneled packets. Specify


an IPv4 address or use the IP address of an interface.


_any: Have automatically select the outer source IP. Not available for


ipv6ip mode tunnels.

tunnel destination ipv4

Configures the outer destination IP address of the tunneled IPv4 packets.

ip address ipv4 ipv4

Sets the inner source IP of packets sent through the tunnel interface.

tunnel mode ip gre

Sets this interface to use GRE tunnel mode.

[no] mtu <576..1480>

Specifies the Maximum Transmission Unit, which is the maximum number


of bytes in each packet moving through this interface. The ZyWALL


divides larger packets into smaller fragments. The no command resets


the MTU to 1480.

[no] downstream <0..1048576>

Specifies the downstream bandwidth for the specified interface. The no


command sets the downstream bandwidth to 1048576.

tunnel mode [ ipv6ip [ manual 6to4

Sets the interface to be an IPv6 over IPv4 tunnel.

] ] ]

manual: Use for a point-to-point manual tunnel for IPv6 transition. You



must also configure a policy route for the tunnel.


6to4: Use for a 6to4/6RD automatic tunnel.



ipv6 address ipv6_addr_prefix

Sets an IPv6 address with prefix for the interface.

ipv6 6to4 [ prefix ipv6_addr_prefix

For a 6to4 tunnel, sets the IPv6 address with prefix, remote gateway

destination-prefix ipv4_cidr

prefix, or relay router IPv4 address.

relay ipv4 ]


traffic-prioritize {tcp-ackcontent-

Applies traffic priority when the interface sends TCP-ACK traffic, traffic for

filterdns} bandwidth <0..1048576>

querying the content filter, or traffic for resolving domain names. It also

priority <1..7> [maximize-bandwidth-

sets how much bandwidth the traffic can use and can turn on maximize


bandwidth usage.

traffic-prioritize {tcp-ackcontent-

Turns off traffic priority settings for when the interface sends the specified

filterdns} deactivate

type of traffic.


Leaves the sub-command mode.

show interface tunnel_iface

Displays the the specified tunnel’s settings.

show interface tunnel status

Displays the status of the tunnel interfaces.



ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide