Chapter 34 SSL Application



Table 159 SSL Application Object Commands



server-type file-sharing share-

Specifies the IP address, domain name or NetBIOS name (computer name)

path share-path

of the file server and the name of the share to which you want to allow user


access. Enter the path in one of the following formats.


“\\<IP address>\<share name>”


“\\<domain name>\<share name>”


“\\<computer name>\<share name>”


For example, if you enter “\\my-server\Tmp”, this allows remote users to


access all files and/or folders in the “\Tmp” share on the “my-server”





server-type rdp server-address

Creates an SSL application object to allow users to manage LAN computers

server-address [starting-

that have Remote Desktop Protocol remote desktop server software

port <1..65535> ending-port


<1..65535>] [program-path

Specify the listening ports of the LAN computer(s) running remote desktop


server software. The ZyWALL uses a port number from this range to send



traffic to the LAN computer that is being remotely managed.


program-path: specify an application to open when a remote user logs into


the remote desktop application.



server-type vnc server-address

Creates an SSL application object to allow users to manage LAN computers

server-address [starting-

that have Virtual Network Computing remote desktop server software

port <1..65535> ending-port



Specify the listening ports of the LAN computer(s) running remote desktop



server software. The ZyWALL uses a port number from this range to send


traffic to the LAN computer that is being remotely managed.



server-type weblink url url

Sets this to create a link to a web site you specified that you expect the SSL


VPN users to commonly use.


url: Enter the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) or IP address of the


application server. You must enter the “http://” or “https://” prefix. For


example, SSL VPN users are restricted to access only


web pages or files in this directory. For example, if you enter “\remote\” in


this field, emote users can only access web pages or files in the “remote”




If a link contains a file that is not within this domain, then SSL VPN users


cannot access it.



no server-type

Remove the type of service configuration for this SSL application.

[no] webpage-encrypt

Turn on web encrypt to prevent users from saving the web content.



ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide