Chapter 32 Certificates



Table 156 ca Commands Summary (continued)




ca validation remote_certificate

Enters the sub command mode for validation of


certificates signed by the specified remote (trusted)





cdp {activatedeactivate}

Turns certificate revocation on or off. When it is turned on,


the ZyWALL validates a certificate by getting a Certificate


Revocation List (CRL) through HTTP or LDAP (can be


configured after activating the LDAP checking option) and


online responder (can be configured after activating the


OCSP checking option). You also need to configure the


OSCP or LDAP server details.



ldap {activatedeactivate}

Has the ZyWALL check (or not check) incoming


certificates that are signed by this certificate against a


Certificate Revocation List (CRL) on a LDAP (Lightweight


Directory Access Protocol) directory server.



ldap ip {ipfqdn} port <1..65535> [id name

Sets the validation configuration for the specified remote

password password] [deactivate]

(trusted) certificate where the directory server uses LDAP.


ip: Type the IP address (in dotted decimal notation) or


the domain name of the directory server. The domain


name can use alphanumeric characters, periods and


hyphens. Up to 255 characters.


port: Specify the LDAP server port number. You must use


the same server port number that the directory server


uses. 389 is the default server port number for LDAP.


The ZyWALL may need to authenticate itself in order to


access the CRL directory server. Type the login name (up


to 31 characters) from the entity maintaining the server


(usually a certification authority). You can use


alphanumeric characters, the underscore and the dash.


Type the password (up to 31 characters) from the entity


maintaining the CRL directory server (usually a


certification authority). You can use the following


characters: a-zA-Z0-9;`~!@#$%^&*()_+\{}':,./<>=-



ocsp {activatedeactivate}

Has the ZyWALL check (or not check) incoming


certificates that are signed by this certificate against a


directory server that uses OCSP (Online Certificate Status





ocsp url url [id name password password]

Sets the validation configuration for the specified remote


(trusted) certificate where the directory server uses OCSP.


url: Type the protocol, IP address and pathname of the


OCSP server.


name: The ZyWALL may need to authenticate itself in


order to access the OCSP server. Type the login name (up


to 31 characters) from the entity maintaining the server


(usually a certification authority). You can use


alphanumeric characters, the underscore and the dash.


password: Type the password (up to 31 characters) from


the entity maintaining the OCSP server (usually a


certification authority). You can use the following


characters: a-zA-Z0-9;`~!@#$%^&*()_+\{}':,./<>=-



no ca category {localremote} certificate_name

Deletes the specified local (my certificates) or remote


(trusted certificates) certificate.



no ca validation name

Removes the validation configuration for the specified


remote (trusted) certificate.





ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide