Chapter 24 Anti-Spam Activate/Deactivate Anti-Spam Example

This example shows how to activate and deactivate anti-spam on the ZyWALL.

Router# configure terminal Router(config)# anti-spam activate Router(config)# show anti-spam activation anti-spam activation: yes Router(config)# no anti-spam activate Router(config)# show anti-spam activation anti-spam activation: no Router(config)#

24.2.2 Zone to Zone Anti-spam Rules

The following table describes the commands for configuring the zone to zone rules. You must use the configure terminal command to enter the configuration mode before you can use these commands.

Table 118 Commands for Zone to Zone Anti-Spam Rules



anti-spam rule append

Enters the anti-spam sub-command mode to add a direction specific rule.

anti-spam rule insert rule_number

Enters the anti-spam sub-command mode to add a direction specific rule.

anti-spam rule rule_number

Enters the anti-spam sub-command mode to edit the specified direction


specific rule.

[no] activate

Turns a direction specific anti-spam rule on or off.

[no] log [alert]

Sets the ZyWALL to create a log (and optionally an alert) when packets


match this rule and are found to be spam. The no command sets the


ZyWALL not to create a log or alert when packets match this rule.

[no] from-zone zone_object

Sets the zone on which the packets are received. The no command


removes the zone setting. This is equal to any, so the rule applies to all


packets the ZyWALL sends out.



[no] to-zone zone_object

Sets the zone to which the packets are sent. The no command removes


the zone setting. This is equal to any, so the rule applies to all packets the


ZyWALL sends out.



[no] scan {smtp pop3}

Sets the protocols of traffic to scan for spam.

[no] match-action pop3 {forward

Sets the action to take when the ZyWALL detects a spam POP3 e-mail.


The file can be forwarded or forwarded with a spam tag.

[no] match-action smtp {drop

Sets the action to take when the ZyWALL detects a spam SMTP e-mail.

forward forward-with-tag}

The file can be deleted, forwarded, or forwarded with a spam tag.

[no] bypass {white-list black-

Bypassing has the ZyWALL not check files against your configured white

list dnsbl}

(allowed) list, black (spam) list, or DNSBL servers list.

[no] bypass {ip-reputation mail-

Have the ZyWALL not check mail’s IP reputation, content, or for viruses.

content virus-outbreak}



Displays the details of the anti-spam rule you are configuring.

anti-spam rule move rule_number to

Moves a direction specific anti-spam rule to the number that you specified.





anti-spam rule delete rule_number

Removes a direction specific anti-spam rule.

show anti-spam rule [rule_number]

Displays the details of all the configured anti-spam rules or a specific anti-


spam rule.

[no] anti-spam {smtp pop3}

Specify a custom SMTP or POP3 TCP port to check.

defaultport port_number




ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide