Chapter 39 File Manager

When the ZyWALL reboots, if the startup-config.conffile passes the error check, the ZyWALL keeps a copy of the startup-config.conffile as the lastgood.conf configuration file for you as a back up file. If you upload and apply a configuration file with an error, you can apply lastgood.conf to return to a valid configuration.

39.2.4Configuration File Flow at Restart

If there is not a startup-config.confwhen you restart the ZyWALL (whether through a management interface or by physically turning the power off and back on), the ZyWALL uses the system-default.confconfiguration file with the ZyWALL’s default settings.

If there is a startup-config.conf, the ZyWALL checks it for errors and applies it. If there are no errors, the ZyWALL uses it and copies it to the lastgood.conf configuration file. If there is an error, the ZyWALL generates a log and copies the startup-config.confconfiguration file to the startup- config-bad.confconfiguration file and tries the existing lastgood.conf configuration file. If there isn’t a lastgood.conf configuration file or it also has an error, the ZyWALL applies the system- default.conf configuration file.

You can change the way the startup-config.conffile is applied. Include the setenv-startupstop-on-error off command. The ZyWALL ignores any errors in the startup-config.conffile and applies all of the valid commands. The ZyWALL still generates a log for any errors.

39.3 File Manager Commands Input Values

The following table explains the values you can input with the file manager commands.

Table 184 File Manager Command Input Values


file_name The name of a file. Use up to 25 characters (including a-zA-Z0-9;‘~!@#$%^&()_+[]{}’,.=-).



ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide