3 User menu's
DataCold 500 T/R have four different user menu’s, which are directly accessible via the keyboard:
1.Print menu
2.Alarm menu
3.User settings menu
4.Status menu
3.1Print menu
Press Blue button. The last selected print choice will be displayed. Printing starts after 2 seconds. Repeatedly pressing the Blue button will scroll between the available printouts, delivery ticket, graphical- and numerical ticket.
Print delivery ticket
By pressing the Blue button for more than 2 seconds the following menu’s will be entered:
3.1.1Select compartment to print.
After pressing [edit] you can toggle with [↑], [↓] between the available compartments and select with the green button [accept] the required one.
3.1.2Print event report
By pressing the Green button [accept] printing of the event report will start.
3.1.3Print parameter report
By pressing the Green button [accept] the parameter report will be printed after entering the correct PIN code.
3.1.4Set print date
With [edit] you can select a historical date for printing. After confirmation of the date with[accept] you can select the required report with the Blue button. Printing starts with a delay of 2 seconds.
1.1Select compartment to print
↑ ↓ edit
1.2Print event report
↑↓ accept
1.3Print parameter report
↑↓ accept
1.4 Set print date
↑ ↓ edit
The next options from menu 1.5 until 1.8 can be switched on or off for the user by the supervisor.
3.1.5Delivery ticket setting
With [edit] you can set the desired information printed on the delivery ticket. You can select ‚actual value‘, ‚actual + average‘ or ‚actual, average and
3.1.6Print time period
This option is used in combination with ‘Day start- and end time’ in order to determine the time period of the various print reports. A print out starts from the actual time and prints back for the number of hours set in this parameter, but not further as the ‘Day start time’ set in the next menu. If the
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1.5Delivery ticket setting actual value
↑ ↓ edit
1.6Print time period
(10 hour)
↑↓ edit