Commands and Statements |
The DIR command displays the names, number of blocks, and length (in bytes) of the files saved on the specified disk. If no drive number is specified, the default is drive O. DIR may be used as a command or as a statement.
DIR [drive number]
The EDIT command is used to modify single program lines. In this mode, you have a selection of editing subcommands that facilitate character insertion, deletion and changing. These subcommands and their uses are explained in Chapter 3: Entering and Editing
The EDIT mode is entered automatically when a syntax error prevents program execution. It can also be entered when.entering text by typing Control A, or it may be entered by typing EDIT line number. Refer to Chapter 3: Entering and Editing
EDIT line numbeq .
The period (.) is used to represent the last line changed, listed or that contained an error.
The END statement halts program execution and returns to
The program below contains an END statement in line 40.
20D=(A + B + C)/3
30PRINT "THE AVERAGE OF";A;" + ";8;" + ";C;"EQUALS";D;"."
The ERROR statement simulates the occurrence. of an error in program execution. The