RMX/80 |
Drive 1: In drive I, you must have a disk with these modules:
The RMX/SO nucleus,
SO/IO, SO/20,orSO/30.
The RMX/SO extension files, including the Disk File System, and the RMX/SO Boot Loader files for the appropriate CPU board.
Once these two disks are present in the proper drives, you can begin configuring your RMX/SO
Generating a Boot-Loaded RMX/80 BASIC-80
The software requirements for generating a boot loader and a compatible version of
The hardware requirements for the boot loader and its accompanying version of
An iSBC 201, iSBC 202, iSBC 204, or iSBC 206 Disk Controller, with its necessary cables, and the disk drives it controls.
At least 4SK bytes of RAM if DFS is used, or 32K bytes of RAM if it is not used. If you use an iSBC SO/30, the 16K bytes of RAM
There are three steps to generating a boot loader for RMX/SO
1.You must examine and, if necessary, modify the BQOPS.ASM module.
2.You must also examine the BOOTCM and BQBMEM modules and modify them as needed.
3.After you have verified that the various assembly modules accurately reflect your hardware and software configurations, you SUBMIT the GBOOT.CSD module, shown in figure
Modifying the BQOPS.ASM Module. The BQOPS.ASM module contains data used by the BOOTCM.ASM, BQBMEM.ASM, BASCM.ASM, and BQMEM. ASM modules. In most cases, this will be the only module you will modify before assembling modules for a new configuration. The boot loader configuration re- quirements are dependent upon the CPU model, the disk controller model, the number of disk drives available, and the highest memory location; if these do not change from configuration to configuration, then the boot loader need not be regenerated.
With the