BAPROM is a program (and the name of the file that contains it) that runs under
The format of the BAPROM command:
:Fn:BAPROM input file TO output file
BAPROM is the name of the file that contains the BAPROM program. If it isn't on the disk in drive 0, include the drive number in the filename.
input file is the name of the file that contains the ASCII form of the
output file is the name of the converted absolute object file. If you don't specify an output filename, it is given the same name as the input file with an extension of OBJ.
BAPROM does not modify the source in any way except to add a control Z at the end.
For example, assume you have written and tested a thermostat control program in
Because no output filename is specified, it is :Fl :HEATER.OBJ. BAPROM displays its message, then displays the size of the input file:
The size (nnnnH) is in hexadecimal.
To actually burn the resulting file (:Fl :HEATER) into PROM, you need the Univer- sal PROM Mapper program (UPM) and a Universal Prom Programmer (UPP). Supposing your program is approximately 2K and you wish to burn it into one 2716 PROM you must install the 2716 Personality Card into UPP, place a 2716 PROM into Socket 2 and then enter the following commands at the console:
*OFFSET = 9500H
READ into 0 object file :F1 :HEATER PROGRAM from OEOOOH to OE7FFH Start 0
From a more detailed description of UPM and UPP see: Universal PROM Program- mer Reference Manual, 9800133F.
A discussion of how to select the proper offset can be found on pp.