When you have configured your system, follow these steps to initiate
1.Insert the supplied PROMl in socket 0 and PROM2 in socket 1 of the iSBC 80/30.
2.Turn on power to the disk drives and iSBC system.
3.Insert your single density
4.Type an upper case U at the terminal keyboard until the
Generating Boot-Loaded and PROM-Based Versions of
Intel supplies two diskettes with the following modules. One diskette is single den- sity; the other double density. You can modify and configure these modules to suit many possible combinations of hardware and software.
BASIC-80 Source Files
BOOPS.ASM This module contains options used by other assembler modules.
Figure F-I shows a sample listing of this module.
BOOTCM.ASM This module configures the BASIC Boot Loader. BOBMEM.ASM This module allocates memory for the BASIC Boot Loader. BASCM.ASM This module configures BASIC.
BOMEM.ASM This module allocates memory for BASIC.
BASIC-80 Object Files
BASIC.LlB This library contains all modules used by BASIC except for the following, which are generated by assembling the corresponding
.ASM modules:
CLOCK.OBJ This module is a dummy clock module used with the iSBC 80/10.
BASIC-80 Executable Files
BOBOOT This module is the Boot Loaded system, which is also provided on PROM.
RMXSYS This module is the version of RMX/SO
Software Requirements for Generating RMX/80 BASIC-80
You must have the following software tools and modules available in the ap- propriate drives to generate versions of
Drive 0: In drive 0, you must have a disk with these modules:
All of the modules described above.
Link, Locate, and the ASMSO Macro Assembler