Intel 8080 manual State Transition Sequence, Halt

Page 19

While no one instruction cycle will consist of more then five machine cycles, the following ten different types of machine cycles may occur within an instruction cycle:

(1 ) FETCH (M1)










The machine cycles that actually do occur in a par- ticular instruction cycle depend upon the kind of instruc- tion, with the overriding stipulation that the first machine cycle in any instruction cycle is always a FETCH.

The processor identifies the machine cycle in prog- ress by transmitting an eight-bit status word during the first state of every machine cycle. Updated status information is presented on the 8080's data lines (00-07), during the SYNC interval. This data should be saved in latches, and used to develop control signals for external circuitry. Table 2-1 shows how the positive-true status information is dis- tributed on the processor's data bus.

Status signals are provided principally for the control of external circuitry. Simplicity of interface, rather than machine cycle identification, dictates the logical definition of individual status bits. You will therefore observe that certain processor machine cycles are uniquely identified by a single status bit, but that others are not. The M1 status bit (06), for example, unambiguously identifies a FETCH machine cycle. A STACK REAO, on the other hand, is indicated by the coincidence of STACK and MEMR sig- nals. Machine cycle identification data is also valuable in the test and de-bugging phases of system development. Table 2-1 lists the status bit outputs for each type of machine cycle.

State Transition Sequence:

Every machine cycle within an instruction cycle con- sists of three to five active states (referred to as T 1, T 2, T 3, T4, T5 or TW). The actual number of states depends upon the instruction being executed, and on the particular ma- chine cycle within the greater instruction cycle. The state transition diagram in Figure 2-4 shows how the 8080 pro- ceeds from state to state in the course of a machine cycle. The diagram also shows how the READY, HOLD, and INTERRUPT lines are sampled during the machine cycle, and how the conditions on these lines may modify the

basic transition sequence. In the present discussion, we are concerned only with the basic sequence and with the READY function. The HOLD and INTERRUPT functions will be discussed later.

The 8080 CPU does not directly indicate its internal state by transmitting a"state contro'" output during each state; instead, the 8080 supplies direct control output (INTE, HLOA, OBIN, WR and WAIT) for use by external circuitry.

Recall that the 8080 passes through at least three states in every machine cycle, with each state defined by successive low-to-high transitions of the ¢1 clock. Figure 2-5 shows the timing relationships in a typical FETCH machine cycle. Events that occur in each state are referenced to transitions of the ¢1 and ¢2 clock pulses.

The SYNC signal identifies the first state (T 1) in every machine cycle. As shown in Figure 2-5, the SYNC signal is related to the leading edge of the ¢2 clock. There is

adelay (tOC) between the low-to-high transition of ¢2 and the positive-going edge of the SYNC pulse. There also is a corresponding delay (also tOC) between the next ¢2 pulse and the falling edge of the SYNC signal. Status information is displayed on 00-D7 during the same cP2 to cP2 interval. Switching of the status signals is likewise controlled by <1>2.

The rising edge of ¢2 during T 1 also loads the pro- cessor's address lines (AO-A 15). These lines become stable within a brief delay (tDA) of the cP2 clocking pulse, and they remain stable until the first ¢2 pulse after state T3. Th is gives the processor ample time to read the data re- turned from memory.

Once the processor has sent an address to memory, there is an opportunity for the memory to request a WAIT. This it does by pulling the processor's READY line low, prior to the "Ready set-up" interval (tRS) which occurs during the (/)2 pulse within state T2 or TW. As long as the REAOY line remains low, the processor will idle, giving the memory time to respond to the addressed data request. Refer to Figure 2-5.

The processor responds to a wait request by entering an alternative state (TW) at the end of T2, rather than pro- ceed ing directly to the T 3 state. Entry into the TW state is indicated by a WAIT signal from the processor, acknowledg- ing the memory's request. A low-to-high transition on the WAIT line is triggered by the rising edge of the (/)1 clock and occurs within a brief delay (tOC) of the actual entry into the TW state.

A wait period may be of indefinite duration. The pro- cessor remains in the waiting condition until its READY line again goes high. A READY indication must precede the fail- ing edge of the (/)2 clock by a specified interval (tRS), in order to guarantee an exit from the TW state. The cycle may then proceed, beginning with the rising edge of the next (/)1 clock. A WAIT interval will therefore consist of an integral number of TW states and will always be a multiple of the clock period.


Image 19
Contents Page Programmable Peripheral Interface Clock Generator for 8080ASystem Controller for 8080A Programmable Communication InterfaceContents Peri pherals 127Chapter Packaging Information Page Microcomputer Design Aids Advantages of Designing With MicrocomputersConventional System Programmed Logic Iii Applications Example1IIII~Iff1 Peripheral Devices Encountered ApplicationArchitecture of a CPU Typical Computer SystemAccumulator Instruction Register and Decoder Program Counter Jumps, Subroutines and the StackComputer Operations Control CircuitryAddress Registers Arithmetic/Logic Unit ALUWait memory synchronization Instruction FetchMemory Read Memory WritePage Page 8080 Photomicrograph With Pin Designations INTE~Registers Architecture of the 8080 CPUProcessor Cycle Arithmetic and Logic Unit ALUInstruction Register and Control Data Bus BufferMachine Cycle Identification Halt State Transition SequenceStatus Bit Definitions Status Word ChartStatus Information Definition ?~~ CPU State Transition DiagramRr\ ONE ,----- ~ ~2. State Definitions State Associated ActivitiesInterrupt Sequences RLrL- rL rL rL-rL- rLrL¢2 -+--sLJJlL-..rrL~LJLLJTLJJ\.lJL Halt Sequences Hold SequencesSTART-UP of the 8080 CPU 11. Halt Timing ~~~~t==p 001 STATUS6 Xram ~iA~~~11 ~iA~~~11~iA~~ll,12 ~A~~~ll111 000 001 010 011 100 101 ValueBasic System Operation Typical Computer System Block DiagramClock Generator Design CPU Module Design8080 CPU Clock Generator and High Level Driver~50ns ClK 0.......-..-.-----.. tf1A TTLHigh Level Driver Design Ststb !1 Page ROM Interface Interfacing the 8080 CPU to Memory and I/O DevicesRAM Interface Ill Memory Mapped I/O InterfaceGeneral Theory Isolated I/OInterface Example AddressingMemr to 15 Format 13 Format8080 Instruction SET Instruction and Data FormatsAddressing Modes Byte OneByte Two Byte Three I D7All Symbols and AbbreviationsSymbols Meaning Description FormatReg. indirect Content of register r2 is moved to register r1Data Transfer Group MOV r1, r2 Move Register0 I R 0 I R p0 I 0 o 0 IArithmetic Group 1 I0 I D I D R 0 ICycles States Addressing reg. indirect Flags Z,S,P ,CY,AC I ILogical Group OCR M Decrement memory1 1 1 I 0 I 1 I 1 II 1 I 1 o I 1 I 1 I ~11~Cycles States Flags none 0 I 1 I0 I 0 1 I 0 I 0 I000 Branch GroupCcondition addr I c c I c I 0 I 0 ISP ~ SP + 1 I R Stack, I/O, and Machine Control GroupI 1 o Push rpCycles States Flags None Exchange stack top with Hand L~ SP + ~ dataInstruction SET Programmable Peripheral Interface 8224 8080A-1 8228 8080A-2 8080A M8080-A Page PIN Names Schottky BipolarClock Generator Functional DescriptionGeneral OscillatorStstb Status Strobe Power-On Reset and Ready Flip-FlopsCrystal Requirements Characteristics8pF InputTORS tORH tOR FMAX Characteristics For tCY = 488.28 nsExample T42 T01 T02 T03 TossDbin PIN Configuration Block DiagramBlock GeneralInta None Control SignalsHlda to Read Status Outputs Characteristics TA = Oc to 70C Vee = 5V ±5%TE~r WaveformsVCC=5V GoUTStstb VTHGND ---. r ·-c?oo .H Intel Silicon Gate MOS 8080 aVss Vee8080A Functional PIN Definition IOl = 1.9mA on all outputs CharacteristicsAbsolute Maximum RATINGS· Capacitance~~1 t CY =..... -r-DATAIN~I~~~ Timing WaveformsTypical ~ Output Delay VS. a Capacitance CharacteristicsTypical Instructions Instruction SETSummary of Processor Instructions Silicon Gate MOS 8080.AInfel Silicon Gate MOS 8080A-1 Max Symbol Parameter TypUnit ~tOF.I Fft~l~-t TYPICAL!J. Output Delay VS. ~ Capacitance Infel Silicon Gate MOS 8080 A-2 VAOOR/OATA = VSS + O.45V +10Cout J1AUnit Test Condition Symbol Parameter MinMin. Max. Unit Test Condition Typical ~ Output Delay VS. ~ CapacitancePage Intel . Silicon Gate MOS M8080A Interrupt instructions Immediate mode or I/O instructionsRegister to regist~r, memory refer Ence, arithmetic or logical, rotateLlf17 Summary of Processor InstructionsM8080A Functional PIN Definition Silicon Gate MOS M8080AIOL = 1.9mA on all outputs Absolute Maximum RatingsOperation Symbol Parameter Min. Max Unit Test Condition ~I~ Silicon Gate MOS M8080APage ROMs 8702A 8704 8708 8316A Page Silicon Gate MOS 8702A PIN Connections Operating CharacteristicsVoo = V ce Switching Characteristics1N= Vee ~10%Cs=o.~ \ \SYMBOLTESTMIN. TYP. MAX. Unit Conditions Operating Characteristics for Programming OperationSymbol Test Characteristics for Programming OperationProgram Operation Switching Characteristics for Programming OperationCS = OV Programming Operation of the 8702AProgramming Instructions for the 8702A Operation of the 8702A in Program ModeII. Programming of the 8702A Using Intel Microcomputers III a Erasing ProcedurePage PIN Names PIN Configurations Block DiagramVOH1 CommentIII IBBMax Unit Symbol Parameter Typ. Max. Unit ConditionsTest Conditions WaveformsTpF Program Pulse Fall Time Parameter MinProgramming Current RnA Program Pulse Amplitude CS/WE = +12V Read/Program/Read Transitions+-------1 PEEEf!1EJEZPlEzz$m=2!·m·· Icc 150 rSilicon Gate MOS Outa CommentMAX Unit CS=O.O100 ns 7001 JJ.s ~~~H --4!~--~N-~-TA-AL-~-DU-T--~\200ns 500ns 300 ns Cs .. o.~ ~r Typical CharacteristicsSilicon Gate MOS ILO IlclIlpc IlkcCoUT Conditions of Test for CharacteristicsCIN ~ ~ ~ Customer Number Oate Mask Option SpecificationsMarking Pppp79-80 ~ r ------ + -- t --- . L . ------ rJTitle Card BlankIntel Silicon Gate MOS ROM 8316A PIN Configuration Block DiagramConditions of Test for 400CAPACITANCE2 TA = 25C, f = 1 MHz Waveforms OU~TVALIDILICO.N Gate MOS ROM 8316A Typical D.C. CharacteristicsMask Option Speci Fications CustomerNumber Oate STOCOM~ANY Name Title CardRAMs Page Silicon Gate MOS PIN Configuration Logic Symbol Block Diagram+----+ ~E~~=~utP~-t-·7~igh-~\/oltage-~------ ---- --i2-+---=~== ~== OC 10H = -150 p.A00 ~ Conditions of TestPage Silicon Gate MOS PIN Configuration Logic Symbol Block DiagramICC2 Symbol Parameter Min. Typ.rIII ICC1Timing Measurement Reference Level Volt Write 1~-tAW--.I-----I550 200 Input Pulse Rise and Fall Times 20nsecPage Silicon Gate MOS TA = OOC to +70C, Vee = 5V ±5% unless otherwise specified Power Dissipation Watt5V to +7V CommentConditions of Test 85o-·-···T+--~~~TL~~~EEt~~~P-.± Capacitance T a = 25C, f = 1MHz~~~b~.J Typical A.C. CharacteristicsSilicon Gate MOS 8102A-4 TA = OC to +70 o e, Vcc = 5V ±5% unless otherwise specified 230 450300 Output Source Current VS VIN Limits VS. TemperatureAccess Time VS Ambient Temperature Access Time VS LOAD·CAPACITANCEPIN Configuration Logic Symbol Block Diagram Fully Decoded Random Access BIT Dynamic MemoryIOOAV2 Silicon Gate MOS 81078·4IMP~ri~~CE II.~Write Cycle Read Cycle4000 Ref =Typical Characteristics RWc 590 CD Symbol Parameter Min MaxNumbers in parentheses are for minimum cycle timing in ns System Interfaces and Filtering Power DissipationStandby Power RefreshTypical System BIT 256 x 4 Static Cmos RAM Icccr ICC2VIH VOL VOH VORTiming Measurement Reference Level Volt Input Pulse Rise and Fall Times 20nsec~I----- t CW2 ------ . t Schottky Bipolar PIN Configuration Logic SymbolVoo- --- ---T Conditions of TestAll driver outputs are in the state indicated Power Supply Current Drain and Power DissipationTypical System Dynamic Memory Refresh Controller Page 8212 8255 8251 Page EIGHT-BIT INPUT/OUTPUT Port PIN Configuration Logic DiagramOS2 Functional DescriptionGated Buffer Basic Schematic SymbolsII. Gated Buffer 3·STATE Are 3-stateBI-DIRECTIONAL BUS Driver III. Bi-Directional Bus DriverIV. Interrupting Input Port Interrupt Instruction PortOvJ \.. -4~ VI. Output Port With Hand-ShakingVII Status Latch 8080 4System Viii SystemOUT VeeIX System 1G~D L-~ DalN-t?!NrJAbsolute Maximum Ratings· Characteristics052 ~ Typical CharacteristicsTpw OUTTA = OC to + 75C Vee = +5V ± 5% Switching Characteristics12 pF ~~~lEI~S 1-- +SV Programmable Peripheral InterfaceBasic Functional Description GeneralData Bus Buffer Read/Write and Control LogicPorts A, B, and C ResetPIN Configuration Group a and Group B ControlsPA 7 ·pAo Mode SelectionSingle Bit Set/Reset Feature Detailed Operational DescriptionMode 0 Timing Operating Modes Mode 0 Basic Input/OutputInterrupt Control Functions Mode 0 Configurations Mode 0 Port Definition Chart119 · / ,4 Operating Modes Mode 1 Strobed Input/OutputInte a Input Control Signal DefinitionIBF Input Buffer Full F/F Intr Interrupt RequestIntea Output Control Signal DefinitionOutput Operations Combinations of ModeBi-Directional Bus I/O Control Signal Definition Operating ModesMode 2 Bi-directional Timing Mode 2 Control WordMode 2 and Mode 0 Output Mode 2 CombinationsReading Port C Status Special Mode Combination ConsiderationsMode Definition Summary Table Source Current Capability on Port B and Port CKeyboard and Terminal Address Interface ApplicationsPrinter Interface Keyboard and Display Interface~.LEFT/RIGHT PCOSilicon Gate MOS Time From STB = 0 To IBF Characteristics TA = oc to 70C Vee = +5V ±5% vss = OVVil Input Low Voltage Input High Voltage Val Output Low Voltage IOl = 1.6mAMode 0 Basic Input Mode 1 Strobed Input Mode 2 Bi-directional Page Programmable Communication Interface ClK Clock Reset ResetGeneral ReadlWrite Control logicDTR Data Termin·al Ready Modem ControlDSR Data Set Ready TxE Transmitter EmptyRxC Receiver Clock Receiver BufferReceiver Control RxRDY Receiver ReadyProgramming Mode InstructionCommand Instruction Detailed Operation DescriptionData C~~RACTER Mode Instruction DefinitionAsynchronous Mode Transmission Asynchronous Mode ReceiveSynchronous Mode, Transmission Format Synchronous Mode TransmissionSynchronous Mode Receive Mode Instruction Format, Synchronous ModeStatus Read Format Command Instruction DefinitionCommand Instruction Format Status Read DefinitionSynchronous Interface to Telephone Lines Asynchronous Serial Interface to CRT Terminal, DC-9600 BaudAsynchronous Interface to Telephone Lines Synchronous Interface to Terminal or Peripheral DeviceIcc CapacitanceIOL Typ TA = oc to 70C VCC = 5.0V ±5% Vss = OV Symbol ParameterRXD~ RxDSRX ~4IlI ~AST BIT ,----1Peripherals Page High Speed 1 OUT of 8 Binary Decoder Decoder Enable GateSystem 24K Memory Interface Using a very similar circuit to the I/O port decoder, an arPort Decoder Chip Select DecoderIll Logic Element Example\lJ JJ,.--+-I----.....18205 Characteristics TA = OOC to +75C, Vee = 5.0V ±5%Typical Characteristics Symbol VOL VOHTest Waveforms Switching Characteristics Conditions of Test Test LoadAddress or Enable to Output Delay VS. Load Capacitance Address or Enable to Output Delay VS. Ambient Temperature~ R PIN Configuration~ ~ Polled Method Interrupts in Microcomputer SystemsInterrupt Method Current Status Register Priority EncoderAO, A1, A2 Control SignalsINTE, elK ElR, ETlG, ENGlBasic Operation Level ControllerLevel Controller I ICascading Absolute Maximum Ratings Operating CharacteristicsSymbol Parameter Limits Unit Conditions Min Typ.£1 LosCharacteristics and Waveforms TA = oc to +70C, vcc = +5V ±5% Schottky Bipolar 8216 8226 +-......---- n csControl Gating OlEN, CS Bi-Directional DriverMemory and 1/0 Interface to a Bi-directional Bus Applications of 8216/8226Large microcomputer systems it is often necessary to pro Input Leakage Current OlEN, CS VR =5.25V IcC Power Supply Current 120Input Load Current OlEN, CS VF =0.45 Input Load Current All Other Inputs VF =0.45OUT WaveformsPage 8253 8257 8259 Page It uses nMOS technology ~Jmodesof operation are Programmable Interval TimerSystem Interface Block DiagramPreliminary Functional Description System InterfaceProgrammable DMA Controller Dack 2 System InterfaceSystem Application CS-------It LJJ Intel CPU GroupROMs RAMs Peripheral Coming Soon735~ ~~~1It-j Lead CerDIP Dual IN-LINE Package D \.--.J.. ~~~l·34o~ Lead Plastic Dual IN-LINE Package PSales and Marketing Offices Distributors Page Page Page Page Page Page Instruction SET Summary of Processor Instructions By Alphabetical Order Instruction SETMicrocomputer System Users Registration Card Microcomputer Systems Bowers Avenue Santa Clara, CA Intel CorporationInter
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The Intel 8085 and 8080 microprocessors were groundbreaking innovations in the world of computing, paving the way for future microprocessor development and personal computing.

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The microprocessor's architecture was based on a simple and efficient design, making it accessible for hobbyists and engineers alike. It included an 8-bit accumulator, which allowed for data manipulation and storage during processing. Additionally, the 8080 featured registers like the program counter and stack pointer, which facilitated program flow control and data management. Its ability to handle interrupts also made it suitable for multitasking applications.

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Both the 8080 and 8085 microprocessors laid the groundwork for more advanced microprocessors in the years that followed. They demonstrated the potential of integrated circuits in computing and influenced the design and architecture of subsequent Intel microprocessors. Their legacy endures in the way they revolutionized computing, making technology accessible to a broader audience, and their influence is still felt in the design and architecture of modern microprocessors today.