Chapter 5 | Configuration Using the |
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Back Pressure Select Enable or Disable (default) to enable or disable Back Pressure mode on the port.
Current Back Pressure
Flow Control Select Enable or Disable to manually enable or disable flow control, or select
Current Flow Control
MDI/MDIX Select the port’s MDI/MDIX type, either MDI, or MDIX. The MDI setting is used if the port is connected to an end station. The MDIX setting is used if the port is connected to a hub or another switch.
Current MDI/MDIX
Click Save to save the settings and leave the screen open. Click Save & Close to save the settings and close the screen. Click Close to close the screen without saving the settings.
Port Management > Link Aggregation
Port Management > Link Aggregation
You can create multiple links between devices that work as one virtual, aggregate link. This is known as a Link Aggregrated Group (LAG). LAGs offers a dramatic increase in bandwidth for network segments where bottlenecks exist, as well as providing a
LAG The LAG number
Description The
Admin Status The administrative status of the interface. To change the status, select Up to enable the interface, or select Down to disable it.
Type Indicates if a LAG has been manually configured (static) or dynamically set through LACP.
Link Status Displays the status of the link. Speed Displays the port speed.
Duplex Displays the duplex mode. Flow Control Displays the flow control. LAG Mode Displays the LAG mode.
Detail To create a new LAG, click Detail in the Detail column to display the Link Aggregation detail screen.
LAG Configuration
The Link Aggregation detail screen lets you configure a LAG. You can create a LAG, select its ports, enable/disable the LAG, and set the capability advertisements, speed, duplex mode, and flow control. To use this screen, click Detail on the Port Settings screen.
Port Management > Link Aggregation > Detail
LAG The LAG number
Description The
LACP Select the checkbox to enable Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP).
LAG Type
•eth100m The LAG contains 100 Mbps Ethernet ports.
•eth1000m The LAG contains 1000 Mbps Ethernet ports.
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