Administrative Configuration Options
•Remote Office (IP/IPX, 1500 LAN devices, compression) images have an "r" designation.
•Remote Office X.25 (IP/IPX, 1500 LAN devices, compression, X.25) images have an "rxd" designation.
So the example image named "c760-in.b-TPH.43-1.bin" is a Series 760 router image software Release 4.3(1) with the Internet Ready feature set for Australia. (All Cisco 700 series routers run Series 760 router images. There are no Series 770 router images.)
You can verify the image loaded on your router by entering the version command at the command-line prompt. The following example shows a router running a Cisco 760 (c760) image for the United States (US), release 4.0(1), and using the Remote Office (r) feature set:
guest> version
Software Version c760-in.r.US 4.0(1) - Jan 14 1997 19:00:23
Cisco 766
ISDN Stack Revision US 2.10 (5ESS/DMS/NI-1)
Administrative Configuration Options
You can configure routers through the configuration port or across an IP network using Telnet. In addition, Cisco IOS-700 software supports Cisco 700 Fast Step software applications. These tools are on the Cisco 700 Fast Step CD-ROM in the Cisco 700 Quick Reference Guide.