C H A P T E R 5
Configuring DHCP Relay, DHCP Server, and PAT
Cisco 700 series routers can perform the role of the relay agent, relaying IP configuration information request packets from the LAN interface, over the ISDN interface, to a specified Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server. Cisco 700 series routers provide DHCP relay, DHCP server, Port Address Translation (PAT), and Internet Protocol Control Protocol (IPCP).
This chapter provides descriptions, application notes, and example configurations for configuring Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) relay, DHCP server, and Port Address Translation (PAT) on the Cisco 700 series router. It contains the following sections:
DHCP Description
PAT Description
IPCP Description
PPP IPCP Negotiation Example
DHCP Relay with IPCP Negotiation Example
DHCP Server with IPCP Negotiation Example
DHCP Server and PAT with IPCP
DHCP Server with PAT and IPCP
Configuring DHCP Relay, DHCP Server, and PAT