Billion BIPAC 7100S ADSL Modem/Router Bridge Filtering
Enable Bridge Filtering: Check Yes to enable this function or check No to disable.
Src MAC: Enter the source MAC address.
Dest MAC: Enter the destination MAC address.
Type: Enter the Ethernet type.
Block Forward: Check Block if you want to block requests from the source MAC address sending to the destination MAC address. Check Forward if you want to forward requests from the source MAC address sending to the destination MAC address. Intrusion Detection
Check “Enable” if you want to detect invader sneak in your computer without permitted .The ADSL Router can automatically detect and block the DoS (Denial of Service) attack if user enables this function. This kind of attack is not to achieve the confidential data of this network; instead, it aims to crush specific equipment or the entire network. If this happens, the users will not be able to access the network resources. There are few samples of hacker patterns implemented as below.
-IP Spoofing
-Ping of Death (Length > 65535)
-Land Attack (Same source / destination IP address)
-IP with zero length
-Sync flooding
-Smurf Attack (ICMP Echo with x.x.x.0 or x.x.x.255)