•Dust, dirt, and other contaminants on the ends of the connectors create data transmission problems. Avoid touching the ends of the connectors. If the ends become dirty, clean them with alcohol using a soft, clean,
To connect a fiber optic segment to the
1.Remove the protective plastic covers from the fiber optic ports on the module and from the connectors on each fiber strand.
2.Attach a fiber strand to the module’s receive port (labeled RX) and the other fiber strand to the module’s transmit port (labeled TX).
RX Port TX Port
Fiber strands
To RX Port
To TX Port
Figure 3-3. Connecting Fiber Optic Segments
3.Attach the other end of the strand that is connected to the host RX port to the destination device’s TX port and attach the other end of the strand connected to host TX port to the destination device’s RX port.
The next chapter describes how to use LANVIEW LEDs to monitor the operation of the