This section describes how to configure TPIMs and install them into the BRIM-T6.
2.4.1 Configuring TPIMs
Cabletron TPIMs are shipped pre-configured to support Ring In/Ring Out (RI/RO) communications. For use in the BRIM-T6 as a bridge/routing interface, however, they must be reconfigured to support Station port applications. Additionally, the TPIM-F2 and TPIM-F3 must be configured to support 802.5J lobe operations via fiber optic cable.
NOTE: TPIM-F2 hardware version 04 and TPIM-F3 hardware version 02 or higher must be used to provide bridge links via fiber optic cable. Prior versions do not support this functionality with the BRIM-T6.
Refer to the TPIM-F2/TPIM-F3 part number location shown in Figure 2-4 to determine functional compatibility with the BRIM-T6.
To configure TPIMs for use with the BRIM-T6, refer to Figure 2-4 and follow these steps:
1.Move the RI/RO and Station switch on the TPIMs to the Station (S or STN) position using a blunt, narrow-tipped instrument such as a screwdriver or similar instrument.
2.Move the Fiber Key to the 802.5 setting for the TPIM-F2 and TPIM-F3 using the same instrument.
Leave the Phantom Switch setting in the default position for the TPIM-T1, TPIM-T2, and TPIM-T4.