3.6.2 FEC Settings
Figure 17. IP TX FEC page
FEC Mode: Select "No FEC" to not calculate and send any FEC data. Select "Column only" to calculate and send
Number of columns (L): Enter number of columns.
Number of rows (D): Enter number of rows.
Note: Please note that the maximum matrix size is 256 (L*D) and that D is in the range 4 ≤ D ≤ 32. In column only mode L is in the range 1 ≤ L ≤ 32, while in column and row mode 4 ≤ L ≤ 32. L+D can not exceed 32.
Note: Please note that FEC column packets are transmitted on UDP port n+2 and FEC row packets are transmitted on UDP port n+4 where n is the UDP port of the media data. This is in accordance with
Skew: Controls whether to organize the column FEC with or without skew. When enabling skew, the delay required on the receiver is less than when transmitting straight columns.
FEC overhead: This number is the overhead in percent caused by the current FEC configuration.
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