7.7.8 Mirror Commands
Commands at Mirror level:
Mirror Configuration
Mirror Port [<port>]
Mirror Source [<portlist>] [enabledisable]
1. Mirror Configuration
Mirror Configuration Description:
Show the mirror destination port and mirror mode for source ports.
2. Mirror Port
Mirror Port [<port>] Description:
Set or show the mirror destination port.
[<port>]: Mirror destination port (default: Show mirror port).
3. Mirror Source
Mirror Source [<portlist>] [enabledisable] Description:
Set or show the source port mirror mode. [<portlist>] : Source port list (default: All ports). [enabledisable]: Enable/disable mirroring of frames received on port (default: Show mirror mode).
7.7.9 IP Commands
Commands at IP level:
IP Configuration
IP Setup [<ipaddress> [<ipmask> [<ipgateway>]]]
1. IP Configuration
IP Configuration Description:
Show the IP status, including IP, Subnet Mask, and Default Gateway
2. IP Setup
IP Setup [<ipaddress> [<ipmask> [<ipgateway>]]]
Set the IP, Subnet Mask, and Default Gateway