7. Command Line Interface
7.1 Start-up and Terminal configuration
1.Data rate: 115200 baud
2.Data format: 8 data bits, 1 stop bit and no parity
3.Flow control: none.
4.Click the property icon, select settings, make sure that: The Function, arrow, and ctrl keys act as: Terminal keys Emulation: VT100
7.2 Login/Logout Procedures
To get access to the CLI, you will have to get the username and password for login. One set of default username/password is identified with admin/admin.
You may logout at any time and at any context level using the exit command.
It is suggested to change the default and configure a new username/password to prevent unau- thorized users from accessing to the device.
7.3 Command Hierarchy
The CLI (Command Line Interface) is hierarchical with two levels: a top level and a group level. The group level consists of the following groups: