5.2.3 VLAN
VLAN Configuration is for dividing the LAN into subnet groups for better network management. The benefit is that the user can move one client to another subnet group without actually moving the ma- chine.
VLAN Entry
There are 16 entries to set up.
To add new VLAN Entry,
1.Select the ports by clicking the check box.
2.Enter the VLAN ID number (1 ~ 4094) for the entry.
3.Select the member ports (PORT MEMBER) for the new VLAN entry.
4.Click [Add] to add it in the table.
5.Do not forget to click the [Apply] to save the setting.
To remove the VLAN entry,
Select the entry you want to remove, click [Remove] to delete it.
If the entry VID (VLAN ID) value exists in any port PVID configuration, the entry can not be removed.
To modify the entry,
Select the entry you want to change and set up the new configurations. After the changes are made, Click [Modify] to save.
Because settings in VLAN, Port aggregation, and Mirror functions are correlative, make sure that the setting will not influence others. It is suggested not to activate more than one function for one port.